GET STARTED -To get ahead

2 min readJan 31, 2024


To get towards a dream you need to start! And with this start I mean you need to work on every aspect that will make you stronger and at a better position to help you get towards the dreams!

Also ,READ:

BE STUPID: It was meant to be hard and it will be but you need to keep pushing ,keep up with the work ! Ya , I am here with some talks and someone might find me stupid. It is so common in world that an idea you thought of was told “stupid”. These stupid ideas if worked upon could be the next Twitter or Tesla. Don’t let people decide if you are stupid or champion.

WORK MORE: You will have to prioritize your time towards the idea, learn the hard skill and address the problems start to the point. Don’t overthink it! This will only create more problems than leading you to a solution. You will have to be hard on yourself ,more disciplined, more selfish.

MAKE A CHOICE: The reality is you will not be able to make to the top of the industry if you put your shoes into 5 different things at the same time. The idea to be at the top will only get to the final execution if you will act like one.

BE MAD: I am not saying to follow some morning routines or sleep routines but I am telling you to follow “Madness Within You”. Hey! don’t get mad at me or the people around. Sorry for the bad one :)

The madness within you towards the goal will make you standout. The more you believe on the idea, the more you work on bringing it to life and the Madness Meter will call you an “ACHIEVER” out loud.

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see you in the next with a smile :)




Written by cO̳mrades

Building close community on Discord to help ideas turn into big startups and ventures. Join us on Discord and Instagram :@comrade.cult to make ideas work :)

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